To do

The extension is at his beginning. There are some more things to do before it is complete. Here is a list.

1. Integrate with OpenSP/OpenJade to give the possibility to get same error than W3c validator

It is the opensource SGML parser used in most application and it seems too the W3c Validator.

2. Make a batch validation utility

Add a new screen to validate
- a page
- and all the pages linked to this page recursively.
- limited to a domain or not
- limited to a limited number of recursion.
- show the list of broken links
- if possible using several threads

3. Have the C/C++ library of the extension compiled for other platforms

Because I have only Windows and Linux.
- trying to put it in the CVS of mozilla
- an explanation how to compile it for other platforms. (Solaris, AIX,  ...)

4. Helps about html errors

Make a website for creating the help about the error collaboratively ? Wiki ? And link the site with the extension.
- Help
- Forum
- Samples.

There are 85 errors in Tidy and only about 25 have help for them. I should :
- validate several sites
- compare the result with the others validators. See the help given there.
- read books about each errors and document them.

Discuss the reason of some warnings to the tidy community:
- summary in table
- space in href of hyperlink

5. Place the source in shared CVS to allow shared development

There is now a project in sourceforge.

6. Others:

- cleanup the code
- comment all correctly
- user guide